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Download GCam [gc_6.1.021_whyred_06a] by marlin-ku for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro [Whyred]

marlin-ku has just released a new version of GCam for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / Note 5 Pro (Whyred) users. This new update comes with some fixes and a few new features.
GCam (Google Camera) uses Google's HDR+ technology to help improve picture quality even in low light conditions and on low end smartphones. It comes with some useful features like  HDR+, portrait mode, motion photos, panorama, lens blur, 60fps video, slow motion, night mode and more. 
below is the full changelog

  • Update to the mod based on GCam 6.1.021 for the Redmi Note 5. Lib "IronKid sRGB" replaced with "SRGB B2" from burial.live.
  • Clone app (can be installed side by side with other apps.
  • Other minor changes.

Note: A clean install is always recommended to avoid issues.

Download Link:
  •  Download GCam for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro gc_6.1.021_whyred_06a.apk

Download Here or Here

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