Download BootLeggers 4.2 ROM for Xiaomi Redmi 5 (Rosy) (20-06-2019)
This is the official bootleggers Pie ROM for Xiaomi Redmi 5 (Rosy). The Bootleggers ROM is yet another custom ROM which is based on AOSP. It offers major fixes and patches over other various other projects like LineageOS. The ROM has a very stable source and it comes packed with custom wallpapers, ringtones, fonts, and themes.
- QS Rows and Columns
- Volume Keys: Wake up, skip tracks and switch according to rotation
- Show song album cover, visualizer and battery info on Lock-screen
- Power Menu Items
- Battery LED light settings
- Suspend Actions: Make your device disable GPS and switch to 2G when you're not using it
- AppOps: Manage your apps permissions in an advanced way
- Recent Styles: Dig the new Pie Quickstep recents, go back to the classic layout or use the Android Go layout
- Network icons: Show or hide the cross, switch between 4G or LTE, use the classic icon layout before Pie or toggle roaming icon too!
- Tag android-9.0.0_r41 (June Security Patch)
- Added translations
- Fixed emergency icon tinting, credits to PE
- Rebased telephony repos
- Lockscreen date styles
- Shishu Themes now have LIT instead of LTE
- Added Q clock with extra changes for date and owner
- Aggresive Battery
- Custom fingerprint icons for OP devices
- Fixed Markup building for all devices
- Added Q seekbar with a small ui change
- Added improvements for 3 finger screenshot
- Re-introduced Woodman due to devices bootlooping
- One Hand UI
- Pixel Navbar animation
- Some extra undocumented kanging for legal reasons
- Added some new QS styles
- Fixes and improvements
- Launcher3 now has the window to icon animations, and also, fixed dark google feed
- Revert: Revert: [DO NOT MERGE] Partial Revert of john woodman
How to Install:
- Make sure you have TWRP installed
- Boot to recovery
- Install vendor patch
- Install the latest ROM build
- Install our gapps
- Reboot your device to system
Download Links:
- ROM: Download HERE
- Gapps: Download Here
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